Source code for

"""FOOOF Object - base object which defines the model.

Private Attributes
Private attributes of the FOOOF object are documented here.

Data Attributes
_spectrum_flat : 1d array
    Flattened power spectrum, with the aperiodic component removed.
_spectrum_peak_rm : 1d array
    Power spectrum, with peaks removed.

Model Component Attributes
_ap_fit : 1d array
    Values of the isolated aperiodic fit.
_peak_fit : 1d array
    Values of the isolated peak fit.

Internal Settings Attributes
_ap_percentile_thresh : float
    Percentile threshold for finding peaks above the aperiodic component.
_ap_guess : list of [float, float, float]
    Guess parameters for fitting the aperiodic component.
_ap_bounds : tuple of tuple of float
    Upper and lower bounds on fitting aperiodic component.
_cf_bound : float
    Parameter bounds for center frequency when fitting gaussians.
_bw_std_edge : float
    Bandwidth threshold for edge rejection of peaks, in units of gaussian standard deviation.
_gauss_overlap_thresh : float
    Degree of overlap (in units of standard deviation) between gaussian guesses to drop one.
_gauss_std_limits : list of [float, float]
    Peak width limits, converted to use for gaussian standard deviation parameter.
    This attribute is computed based on `peak_width_limits` and should not be updated directly.
_maxfev : int
    The maximum number of calls to the curve fitting function.
_error_metric : str
    The error metric to use for post-hoc measures of model fit error.
_debug : bool
    Whether the object is set in debug mode.
    This should be controlled by using the `set_debug_mode` method.

Code Notes
Methods without defined docstrings import docs at runtime, from aliased external functions.

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from fooof.core.items import OBJ_DESC
from import get_indices
from import save_fm, load_json
from fooof.core.reports import save_report_fm
from fooof.core.modutils import copy_doc_func_to_method
from fooof.core.utils import group_three, check_array_dim
from fooof.core.funcs import gaussian_function, get_ap_func, infer_ap_func
from fooof.core.errors import (FitError, NoModelError, DataError,
                               NoDataError, InconsistentDataError)
from fooof.core.strings import (gen_settings_str, gen_results_fm_str,
                                gen_issue_str, gen_width_warning_str)

from import plot_fm
from import style_spectrum_plot
from import trim_spectrum
from fooof.utils.params import compute_gauss_std
from import FOOOFResults, FOOOFSettings, FOOOFMetaData
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_freqs, gen_aperiodic, gen_periodic, gen_model


[docs]class FOOOF(): """Model a physiological power spectrum as a combination of aperiodic and periodic components. WARNING: FOOOF expects frequency and power values in linear space. Passing in logged frequencies and/or power spectra is not detected, and will silently produce incorrect results. Parameters ---------- peak_width_limits : tuple of (float, float), optional, default: (0.5, 12.0) Limits on possible peak width, in Hz, as (lower_bound, upper_bound). max_n_peaks : int, optional, default: inf Maximum number of peaks to fit. min_peak_height : float, optional, default: 0 Absolute threshold for detecting peaks, in units of the input data. peak_threshold : float, optional, default: 2.0 Relative threshold for detecting peaks, in units of standard deviation of the input data. aperiodic_mode : {'fixed', 'knee'} Which approach to take for fitting the aperiodic component. verbose : bool, optional, default: True Verbosity mode. If True, prints out warnings and general status updates. Attributes ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power spectrum. power_spectrum : 1d array Power values, stored internally in log10 scale. freq_range : list of [float, float] Frequency range of the power spectrum, as [lowest_freq, highest_freq]. freq_res : float Frequency resolution of the power spectrum. fooofed_spectrum_ : 1d array The full model fit of the power spectrum, in log10 scale. aperiodic_params_ : 1d array Parameters that define the aperiodic fit. As [Offset, (Knee), Exponent]. The knee parameter is only included if aperiodic component is fit with a knee. peak_params_ : 2d array Fitted parameter values for the peaks. Each row is a peak, as [CF, PW, BW]. gaussian_params_ : 2d array Parameters that define the gaussian fit(s). Each row is a gaussian, as [mean, height, standard deviation]. r_squared_ : float R-squared of the fit between the input power spectrum and the full model fit. error_ : float Error of the full model fit. n_peaks_ : int The number of peaks fit in the model. has_data : bool Whether data is loaded to the object. has_model : bool Whether model results are available in the object. Notes ----- - Commonly used abbreviations used in this module include: CF: center frequency, PW: power, BW: Bandwidth, AP: aperiodic - Input power spectra must be provided in linear scale. Internally they are stored in log10 scale, as this is what the model operates upon. - Input power spectra should be smooth, as overly noisy power spectra may lead to bad fits. For example, raw FFT inputs are not appropriate. Where possible and appropriate, use longer time segments for power spectrum calculation to get smoother power spectra, as this will give better model fits. - The gaussian params are those that define the gaussian of the fit, where as the peak params are a modified version, in which the CF of the peak is the mean of the gaussian, the PW of the peak is the height of the gaussian over and above the aperiodic component, and the BW of the peak, is 2*std of the gaussian (as 'two sided' bandwidth). """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs] def __init__(self, peak_width_limits=(0.5, 12.0), max_n_peaks=np.inf, min_peak_height=0.0, peak_threshold=2.0, aperiodic_mode='fixed', verbose=True): """Initialize object with desired settings.""" # Set input settings self.peak_width_limits = peak_width_limits self.max_n_peaks = max_n_peaks self.min_peak_height = min_peak_height self.peak_threshold = peak_threshold self.aperiodic_mode = aperiodic_mode self.verbose = verbose ## PRIVATE SETTINGS # Percentile threshold, to select points from a flat spectrum for an initial aperiodic fit # Points are selected at a low percentile value to restrict to non-peak points self._ap_percentile_thresh = 0.025 # Guess parameters for aperiodic fitting, [offset, knee, exponent] # If offset guess is None, the first value of the power spectrum is used as offset guess # If exponent guess is None, the abs(log-log slope) of first & last points is used self._ap_guess = (None, 0, None) # Bounds for aperiodic fitting, as: ((offset_low_bound, knee_low_bound, exp_low_bound), # (offset_high_bound, knee_high_bound, exp_high_bound)) # By default, aperiodic fitting is unbound, but can be restricted here, if desired # Even if fitting without knee, leave bounds for knee (they are dropped later) self._ap_bounds = ((-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf), (np.inf, np.inf, np.inf)) # Threshold for how far a peak has to be from edge to keep. # This is defined in units of gaussian standard deviation self._bw_std_edge = 1.0 # Degree of overlap between gaussians for one to be dropped # This is defined in units of gaussian standard deviation self._gauss_overlap_thresh = 0.75 # Parameter bounds for center frequency when fitting gaussians, in terms of +/- std dev self._cf_bound = 1.5 # The maximum number of calls to the curve fitting function self._maxfev = 5000 # The error metric to calculate, post model fitting. See `_calc_error` for options # Note: this is used to check error post-hoc, not an objective function for fitting models self._error_metric = 'MAE' # Set whether in debug mode, in which an error is raised if a model fit fails self._debug = False # Set internal settings, based on inputs, & initialize data & results attributes self._reset_internal_settings() self._reset_data_results(True, True, True)
@property def has_data(self): """Indicator for if the object contains data.""" return True if np.any(self.power_spectrum) else False @property def has_model(self): """Indicator for if the object contains a model fit. Notes ----- This check uses the aperiodic params, which are: - nan if no model has been fit - necessarily defined, as floats, if model has been fit """ return True if not np.all(np.isnan(self.aperiodic_params_)) else False @property def n_peaks_(self): """How many peaks were fit in the model.""" return self.peak_params_.shape[0] if self.has_model else None def _reset_internal_settings(self): """Set, or reset, internal settings, based on what is provided in init. Notes ----- These settings are for internal use, based on what is provided to, or set in `__init__`. They should not be altered by the user. """ # Only update these settings if other relevant settings are available if self.peak_width_limits: # Bandwidth limits are given in 2-sided peak bandwidth # Convert to gaussian std parameter limits self._gauss_std_limits = tuple([bwl / 2 for bwl in self.peak_width_limits]) # Bounds for aperiodic fitting. Drops bounds on knee parameter if not set to fit knee self._ap_bounds = self._ap_bounds if self.aperiodic_mode == 'knee' \ else tuple(bound[0::2] for bound in self._ap_bounds) # Otherwise, assume settings are unknown (have been cleared) and set to None else: self._gauss_std_limits = None self._ap_bounds = None def _reset_data_results(self, clear_freqs=False, clear_spectrum=False, clear_results=False): """Set, or reset, data & results attributes to empty. Parameters ---------- clear_freqs : bool, optional, default: False Whether to clear frequency attributes. clear_spectrum : bool, optional, default: False Whether to clear power spectrum attribute. clear_results : bool, optional, default: False Whether to clear model results attributes. """ if clear_freqs: self.freqs = None self.freq_range = None self.freq_res = None if clear_spectrum: self.power_spectrum = None if clear_results: self.aperiodic_params_ = np.array([np.nan] * \ (2 if self.aperiodic_mode == 'fixed' else 3)) self.gaussian_params_ = np.empty([0, 3]) self.peak_params_ = np.empty([0, 3]) self.r_squared_ = np.nan self.error_ = np.nan self.fooofed_spectrum_ = None self._spectrum_flat = None self._spectrum_peak_rm = None self._ap_fit = None self._peak_fit = None
[docs] def add_data(self, freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range=None): """Add data (frequencies, and power spectrum values) to the current object. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power spectrum, in linear space. power_spectrum : 1d array Power spectrum values, which must be input in linear space. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Frequency range to restrict power spectrum to. If not provided, keeps the entire range. Notes ----- If called on an object with existing data and/or results they will be cleared by this method call. """ # If any data is already present, then clear data & results # This is to ensure object consistency of all data & results if np.any(self.freqs): self._reset_data_results(True, True, True) self.freqs, self.power_spectrum, self.freq_range, self.freq_res = \ self._prepare_data(freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range, 1, self.verbose)
[docs] def add_settings(self, fooof_settings): """Add settings into object from a FOOOFSettings object. Parameters ---------- fooof_settings : FOOOFSettings A data object containing the settings for a FOOOF model. """ for setting in OBJ_DESC['settings']: setattr(self, setting, getattr(fooof_settings, setting)) self._check_loaded_settings(fooof_settings._asdict())
[docs] def add_meta_data(self, fooof_meta_data): """Add data information into object from a FOOOFMetaData object. Parameters ---------- fooof_meta_data : FOOOFMetaData A meta data object containing meta data information. """ for meta_dat in OBJ_DESC['meta_data']: setattr(self, meta_dat, getattr(fooof_meta_data, meta_dat)) self._regenerate_freqs()
[docs] def add_results(self, fooof_result): """Add results data into object from a FOOOFResults object. Parameters ---------- fooof_result : FOOOFResults A data object containing the results from fitting a FOOOF model. """ self.aperiodic_params_ = fooof_result.aperiodic_params self.gaussian_params_ = fooof_result.gaussian_params self.peak_params_ = fooof_result.peak_params self.r_squared_ = fooof_result.r_squared self.error_ = fooof_result.error self._check_loaded_results(fooof_result._asdict())
[docs] def report(self, freqs=None, power_spectrum=None, freq_range=None, plt_log=False): """Run model fit, and display a report, which includes a plot, and printed results. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array, optional Frequency values for the power spectrum. power_spectrum : 1d array, optional Power values, which must be input in linear space. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Desired frequency range to fit the model to. If not provided, fits across the entire given range. plt_log : bool, optional, default: False Whether or not to plot the frequency axis in log space. Notes ----- Data is optional, if data has already been added to the object. """, power_spectrum, freq_range) self.plot(plt_log=plt_log) self.print_results(concise=False)
[docs] def fit(self, freqs=None, power_spectrum=None, freq_range=None): """Fit the full power spectrum as a combination of periodic and aperiodic components. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array, optional Frequency values for the power spectrum, in linear space. power_spectrum : 1d array, optional Power values, which must be input in linear space. freq_range : list of [float, float], optional Frequency range to restrict power spectrum to. If not provided, keeps the entire range. Raises ------ NoDataError If no data is available to fit. FitError If model fitting fails to fit. Only raised in debug mode. Notes ----- Data is optional, if data has already been added to the object. """ # If freqs & power_spectrum provided together, add data to object. if freqs is not None and power_spectrum is not None: self.add_data(freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range) # If power spectrum provided alone, add to object, and use existing frequency data # Note: be careful passing in power_spectrum data like this: # It assumes the power_spectrum is already logged, with correct freq_range elif isinstance(power_spectrum, np.ndarray): self.power_spectrum = power_spectrum # Check that data is available if not self.has_data: raise NoDataError("No data available to fit, can not proceed.") # Check and warn about width limits (if in verbose mode) if self.verbose: self._check_width_limits() # In rare cases, the model fails to fit, and so uses try / except try: # Fit the aperiodic component self.aperiodic_params_ = self._robust_ap_fit(self.freqs, self.power_spectrum) self._ap_fit = gen_aperiodic(self.freqs, self.aperiodic_params_) # Flatten the power spectrum using fit aperiodic fit self._spectrum_flat = self.power_spectrum - self._ap_fit # Find peaks, and fit them with gaussians self.gaussian_params_ = self._fit_peaks(np.copy(self._spectrum_flat)) # Calculate the peak fit # Note: if no peaks are found, this creates a flat (all zero) peak fit self._peak_fit = gen_periodic(self.freqs, np.ndarray.flatten(self.gaussian_params_)) # Create peak-removed (but not flattened) power spectrum self._spectrum_peak_rm = self.power_spectrum - self._peak_fit # Run final aperiodic fit on peak-removed power spectrum # This overwrites previous aperiodic fit, and recomputes the flattened spectrum self.aperiodic_params_ = self._simple_ap_fit(self.freqs, self._spectrum_peak_rm) self._ap_fit = gen_aperiodic(self.freqs, self.aperiodic_params_) self._spectrum_flat = self.power_spectrum - self._ap_fit # Create full power_spectrum model fit self.fooofed_spectrum_ = self._peak_fit + self._ap_fit # Convert gaussian definitions to peak parameters self.peak_params_ = self._create_peak_params(self.gaussian_params_) # Calculate R^2 and error of the model fit self._calc_r_squared() self._calc_error() except FitError: # If in debug mode, re-raise the error if self._debug: raise # Clear any interim model results that may have run # Partial model results shouldn't be interpreted in light of overall failure self._reset_data_results(clear_results=True) # Print out status if self.verbose: print("Model fitting was unsuccessful.")
[docs] def print_settings(self, description=False, concise=False): """Print out the current settings. Parameters ---------- description : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print out a description with current settings. concise : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print the report in a concise mode, or not. """ print(gen_settings_str(self, description, concise))
[docs] def print_results(self, concise=False): """Print out model fitting results. Parameters ---------- concise : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print the report in a concise mode, or not. """ print(gen_results_fm_str(self, concise))
[docs] @staticmethod def print_report_issue(concise=False): """Prints instructions on how to report bugs and/or problematic fits. Parameters ---------- concise : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print the report in a concise mode, or not. """ print(gen_issue_str(concise))
[docs] def get_settings(self): """Return user defined settings of the current object. Returns ------- FOOOFSettings Object containing the settings from the current object. """ return FOOOFSettings(**{key : getattr(self, key) \ for key in OBJ_DESC['settings']})
[docs] def get_meta_data(self): """Return data information from the current object. Returns ------- FOOOFMetaData Object containing meta data from the current object. """ return FOOOFMetaData(**{key : getattr(self, key) \ for key in OBJ_DESC['meta_data']})
[docs] def get_params(self, name, col=None): """Return model fit parameters for specified feature(s). Parameters ---------- name : {'aperiodic_params', 'peak_params', 'gaussian_params', 'error', 'r_squared'} Name of the data field to extract. col : {'CF', 'PW', 'BW', 'offset', 'knee', 'exponent'} or int, optional Column name / index to extract from selected data, if requested. Only used for name of {'aperiodic_params', 'peak_params', 'gaussian_params'}. Returns ------- out : float or 1d array Requested data. Raises ------ NoModelError If there are no model fit parameters available to return. Notes ----- For further description of the data you can extract, check the FOOOFResults documentation. If there is no data on periodic features, this method will return NaN. """ if not self.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model fit results are available to extract, can not proceed.") # If col specified as string, get mapping back to integer if isinstance(col, str): col = get_indices(self.aperiodic_mode)[col] # Allow for shortcut alias, without adding `_params` if name in ['aperiodic', 'peak', 'gaussian']: name = name + '_params' # Extract the request data field from object out = getattr(self, name + '_') # Periodic values can be empty arrays and if so, replace with NaN array if isinstance(out, np.ndarray) and out.size == 0: out = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]) # Select out a specific column, if requested if col is not None: # Extract column, & if result is a single value in an array, unpack from array out = out[col] if out.ndim == 1 else out[:, col] out = out[0] if isinstance(out, np.ndarray) and out.size == 1 else out return out
[docs] def get_results(self): """Return model fit parameters and goodness of fit metrics. Returns ------- FOOOFResults Object containing the model fit results from the current object. """ return FOOOFResults(**{key.strip('_') : getattr(self, key) \ for key in OBJ_DESC['results']})
[docs] @copy_doc_func_to_method(plot_fm) def plot(self, plot_peaks=None, plot_aperiodic=True, plt_log=False, add_legend=True, save_fig=False, file_name=None, file_path=None, ax=None, plot_style=style_spectrum_plot, data_kwargs=None, model_kwargs=None, aperiodic_kwargs=None, peak_kwargs=None): plot_fm(self, plot_peaks, plot_aperiodic, plt_log, add_legend, save_fig, file_name, file_path, ax, plot_style, data_kwargs, model_kwargs, aperiodic_kwargs, peak_kwargs)
[docs] @copy_doc_func_to_method(save_report_fm) def save_report(self, file_name, file_path=None, plt_log=False): save_report_fm(self, file_name, file_path, plt_log)
[docs] @copy_doc_func_to_method(save_fm) def save(self, file_name, file_path=None, append=False, save_results=False, save_settings=False, save_data=False): save_fm(self, file_name, file_path, append, save_results, save_settings, save_data)
[docs] def load(self, file_name, file_path=None, regenerate=True): """Load in a FOOOF formatted JSON file to the current object. Parameters ---------- file_name : str or FileObject File to load data from. file_path : str or None, optional Path to directory to load from. If None, loads from current directory. regenerate : bool, optional, default: True Whether to regenerate the model fit from the loaded data, if data is available. """ # Reset data in object, so old data can't interfere self._reset_data_results(True, True, True) # Load JSON file, add to self and check loaded data data = load_json(file_name, file_path) self._add_from_dict(data) self._check_loaded_settings(data) self._check_loaded_results(data) # Regenerate model components, based on what is available if regenerate: if self.freq_res: self._regenerate_freqs() if np.all(self.freqs) and np.all(self.aperiodic_params_): self._regenerate_model()
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the current object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def set_debug_mode(self, debug): """Set whether debug mode, wherein an error is raised if fitting is unsuccessful. Parameters ---------- debug : bool Whether to run in debug mode. """ self._debug = debug
def _check_width_limits(self): """Check and warn about peak width limits / frequency resolution interaction.""" # Check peak width limits against frequency resolution and warn if too close if 1.5 * self.freq_res >= self.peak_width_limits[0]: print(gen_width_warning_str(self.freq_res, self.peak_width_limits[0])) def _simple_ap_fit(self, freqs, power_spectrum): """Fit the aperiodic component of the power spectrum. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power_spectrum, in linear scale. power_spectrum : 1d array Power values, in log10 scale. Returns ------- aperiodic_params : 1d array Parameter estimates for aperiodic fit. """ # Get the guess parameters and/or calculate from the data, as needed # Note that these are collected as lists, to concatenate with or without knee later off_guess = [power_spectrum[0] if not self._ap_guess[0] else self._ap_guess[0]] kne_guess = [self._ap_guess[1]] if self.aperiodic_mode == 'knee' else [] exp_guess = [np.abs(self.power_spectrum[-1] - self.power_spectrum[0] / np.log10(self.freqs[-1]) - np.log10(self.freqs[0])) if not self._ap_guess[2] else self._ap_guess[2]] # Collect together guess parameters guess = np.array([off_guess + kne_guess + exp_guess]) # Ignore warnings that are raised in curve_fit # A runtime warning can occur while exploring parameters in curve fitting # This doesn't effect outcome - it won't settle on an answer that does this # It happens if / when b < 0 & |b| > x**2, as it leads to log of a negative number try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") aperiodic_params, _ = curve_fit(get_ap_func(self.aperiodic_mode), freqs, power_spectrum, p0=guess, maxfev=self._maxfev, bounds=self._ap_bounds) except RuntimeError: raise FitError("Model fitting failed due to not finding parameters in " "the simple aperiodic component fit.") return aperiodic_params def _robust_ap_fit(self, freqs, power_spectrum): """Fit the aperiodic component of the power spectrum robustly, ignoring outliers. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power spectrum, in linear scale. power_spectrum : 1d array Power values, in log10 scale. Returns ------- aperiodic_params : 1d array Parameter estimates for aperiodic fit. Raises ------ FitError If the fitting encounters an error. """ # Do a quick, initial aperiodic fit popt = self._simple_ap_fit(freqs, power_spectrum) initial_fit = gen_aperiodic(freqs, popt) # Flatten power_spectrum based on initial aperiodic fit flatspec = power_spectrum - initial_fit # Flatten outliers, defined as any points that drop below 0 flatspec[flatspec < 0] = 0 # Use percentile threshold, in terms of # of points, to extract and re-fit perc_thresh = np.percentile(flatspec, self._ap_percentile_thresh) perc_mask = flatspec <= perc_thresh freqs_ignore = freqs[perc_mask] spectrum_ignore = power_spectrum[perc_mask] # Second aperiodic fit - using results of first fit as guess parameters # See note in _simple_ap_fit about warnings try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") aperiodic_params, _ = curve_fit(get_ap_func(self.aperiodic_mode), freqs_ignore, spectrum_ignore, p0=popt, maxfev=self._maxfev, bounds=self._ap_bounds) except RuntimeError: raise FitError("Model fitting failed due to not finding " "parameters in the robust aperiodic fit.") except TypeError: raise FitError("Model fitting failed due to sub-sampling in the robust aperiodic fit.") return aperiodic_params def _fit_peaks(self, flat_iter): """Iteratively fit peaks to flattened spectrum. Parameters ---------- flat_iter : 1d array Flattened power spectrum values. Returns ------- gaussian_params : 2d array Parameters that define the gaussian fit(s). Each row is a gaussian, as [mean, height, standard deviation]. """ # Initialize matrix of guess parameters for gaussian fitting guess = np.empty([0, 3]) # Find peak: Loop through, finding a candidate peak, and fitting with a guess gaussian # Stopping procedures: limit on # of peaks, or relative or absolute height thresholds while len(guess) < self.max_n_peaks: # Find candidate peak - the maximum point of the flattened spectrum max_ind = np.argmax(flat_iter) max_height = flat_iter[max_ind] # Stop searching for peaks once height drops below height threshold if max_height <= self.peak_threshold * np.std(flat_iter): break # Set the guess parameters for gaussian fitting, specifying the mean and height guess_freq = self.freqs[max_ind] guess_height = max_height # Halt fitting process if candidate peak drops below minimum height if not guess_height > self.min_peak_height: break # Data-driven first guess at standard deviation # Find half height index on each side of the center frequency half_height = 0.5 * max_height le_ind = next((val for val in range(max_ind - 1, 0, -1) if flat_iter[val] <= half_height), None) ri_ind = next((val for val in range(max_ind + 1, len(flat_iter), 1) if flat_iter[val] <= half_height), None) # Guess bandwidth procedure: estimate the width of the peak try: # Get an estimated width from the shortest side of the peak # We grab shortest to avoid estimating very large values from overlapping peaks # Grab the shortest side, ignoring a side if the half max was not found short_side = min([abs(ind - max_ind) \ for ind in [le_ind, ri_ind] if ind is not None]) # Use the shortest side to estimate full-width, half max (converted to Hz) # and use this to estimate that guess for gaussian standard deviation fwhm = short_side * 2 * self.freq_res guess_std = compute_gauss_std(fwhm) except ValueError: # This procedure can fail (extremely rarely), if both le & ri ind's end up as None # In this case, default the guess to the average of the peak width limits guess_std = np.mean(self.peak_width_limits) # Check that guess value isn't outside preset limits - restrict if so # Note: without this, curve_fitting fails if given guess > or < bounds if guess_std < self._gauss_std_limits[0]: guess_std = self._gauss_std_limits[0] if guess_std > self._gauss_std_limits[1]: guess_std = self._gauss_std_limits[1] # Collect guess parameters and subtract this guess gaussian from the data guess = np.vstack((guess, (guess_freq, guess_height, guess_std))) peak_gauss = gaussian_function(self.freqs, guess_freq, guess_height, guess_std) flat_iter = flat_iter - peak_gauss # Check peaks based on edges, and on overlap, dropping any that violate requirements guess = self._drop_peak_cf(guess) guess = self._drop_peak_overlap(guess) # If there are peak guesses, fit the peaks, and sort results if len(guess) > 0: gaussian_params = self._fit_peak_guess(guess) gaussian_params = gaussian_params[gaussian_params[:, 0].argsort()] else: gaussian_params = np.empty([0, 3]) return gaussian_params def _fit_peak_guess(self, guess): """Fits a group of peak guesses with a fit function. Parameters ---------- guess : 2d array, shape=[n_peaks, 3] Guess parameters for gaussian fits to peaks, as gaussian parameters. Returns ------- gaussian_params : 2d array, shape=[n_peaks, 3] Parameters for gaussian fits to peaks, as gaussian parameters. """ # Set the bounds for CF, enforce positive height value, and set bandwidth limits # Note that 'guess' is in terms of gaussian std, so +/- BW is 2 * the guess_gauss_std # This set of list comprehensions is a way to end up with bounds in the form: # ((cf_low_peak1, height_low_peak1, bw_low_peak1, *repeated for n_peaks*), # (cf_high_peak1, height_high_peak1, bw_high_peak, *repeated for n_peaks*)) # ^where each value sets the bound on the specified parameter lo_bound = [[peak[0] - 2 * self._cf_bound * peak[2], 0, self._gauss_std_limits[0]] for peak in guess] hi_bound = [[peak[0] + 2 * self._cf_bound * peak[2], np.inf, self._gauss_std_limits[1]] for peak in guess] # Check that CF bounds are within frequency range # If they are not, update them to be restricted to frequency range lo_bound = [bound if bound[0] > self.freq_range[0] else \ [self.freq_range[0], *bound[1:]] for bound in lo_bound] hi_bound = [bound if bound[0] < self.freq_range[1] else \ [self.freq_range[1], *bound[1:]] for bound in hi_bound] # Unpacks the embedded lists into flat tuples # This is what the fit function requires as input gaus_param_bounds = (tuple([item for sublist in lo_bound for item in sublist]), tuple([item for sublist in hi_bound for item in sublist])) # Flatten guess, for use with curve fit guess = np.ndarray.flatten(guess) # Fit the peaks try: gaussian_params, _ = curve_fit(gaussian_function, self.freqs, self._spectrum_flat, p0=guess, maxfev=self._maxfev, bounds=gaus_param_bounds) except RuntimeError: raise FitError("Model fitting failed due to not finding " "parameters in the peak component fit.") except LinAlgError: raise FitError("Model fitting failed due to a LinAlgError during peak fitting. " "This can happen with settings that are too liberal, leading, " "to a large number of guess peaks that cannot be fit together.") # Re-organize params into 2d matrix gaussian_params = np.array(group_three(gaussian_params)) return gaussian_params def _create_peak_params(self, gaus_params): """Copies over the gaussian params to peak outputs, updating as appropriate. Parameters ---------- gaus_params : 2d array Parameters that define the gaussian fit(s), as gaussian parameters. Returns ------- peak_params : 2d array Fitted parameter values for the peaks, with each row as [CF, PW, BW]. Notes ----- The gaussian center is unchanged as the peak center frequency. The gaussian height is updated to reflect the height of the peak above the aperiodic fit. This is returned instead of the gaussian height, as the gaussian height is harder to interpret, due to peak overlaps. The gaussian standard deviation is updated to be 'both-sided', to reflect the 'bandwidth' of the peak, as opposed to the gaussian parameter, which is 1-sided. Performing this conversion requires that the model has been run, with `freqs`, `fooofed_spectrum_` and `_ap_fit` all required to be available. """ peak_params = np.empty([0, 3]) for ii, peak in enumerate(gaus_params): # Gets the index of the power_spectrum at the frequency closest to the CF of the peak ind = min(range(len(self.freqs)), key=lambda ii: abs(self.freqs[ii] - peak[0])) # Collect peak parameter data peak_params = np.vstack((peak_params, [peak[0], self.fooofed_spectrum_[ind] - self._ap_fit[ind], peak[2] * 2])) return peak_params def _drop_peak_cf(self, guess): """Check whether to drop peaks based on center's proximity to the edge of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- guess : 2d array Guess parameters for gaussian peak fits. Shape: [n_peaks, 3]. Returns ------- guess : 2d array Guess parameters for gaussian peak fits. Shape: [n_peaks, 3]. """ cf_params = [item[0] for item in guess] bw_params = [item[2] * self._bw_std_edge for item in guess] # Check if peaks within drop threshold from the edge of the frequency range keep_peak = \ (np.abs(np.subtract(cf_params, self.freq_range[0])) > bw_params) & \ (np.abs(np.subtract(cf_params, self.freq_range[1])) > bw_params) # Drop peaks that fail the center frequency edge criterion guess = np.array([gu for (gu, keep) in zip(guess, keep_peak) if keep]) return guess def _drop_peak_overlap(self, guess): """Checks whether to drop gaussians based on amount of overlap. Parameters ---------- guess : 2d array Guess parameters for gaussian peak fits. Shape: [n_peaks, 3]. Returns ------- guess : 2d array Guess parameters for gaussian peak fits. Shape: [n_peaks, 3]. Notes ----- For any gaussians with an overlap that crosses the threshold, the lowest height guess guassian is dropped. """ # Sort the peak guesses by increasing frequency, so adjacenent peaks can # be compared from right to left. guess = sorted(guess, key=lambda x: float(x[0])) # Calculate standard deviation bounds for checking amount of overlap # The bounds are the gaussian frequncy +/- gaussian standard deviation bounds = [[peak[0] - peak[2] * self._gauss_overlap_thresh, peak[0] + peak[2] * self._gauss_overlap_thresh] for peak in guess] # Loop through peak bounds, comparing current bound to that of next peak # If the left peak's upper bound extends pass the right peaks lower bound, # Then drop the guassian with the lower height. drop_inds = [] for ind, b_0 in enumerate(bounds[:-1]): b_1 = bounds[ind + 1] # Check if bound of current peak extends into next peak if b_0[1] > b_1[0]: # If so, get the index of the gaussian with the lowest height (to drop) drop_inds.append([ind, ind + 1][np.argmin([guess[ind][1], guess[ind + 1][1]])]) # Drop any peaks guesses that overlap too much, based on threshold keep_peak = [not ind in drop_inds for ind in range(len(guess))] guess = np.array([gu for (gu, keep) in zip(guess, keep_peak) if keep]) return guess def _calc_r_squared(self): """Calculate the r-squared goodness of fit of the model, compared to the original data.""" r_val = np.corrcoef(self.power_spectrum, self.fooofed_spectrum_) self.r_squared_ = r_val[0][1] ** 2 def _calc_error(self, metric=None): """Calculate the overall error of the model fit, compared to the original data. Parameters ---------- metric : {'MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE'}, optional Which error measure to calculate. Raises ------ ValueError If the requested error metric is not understood. Notes ----- Which measure is applied is by default controlled by the `_error_metric` attribute. """ # If metric is not specified, use the default approach metric = self._error_metric if not metric else metric if metric == 'MAE': self.error_ = np.abs(self.power_spectrum - self.fooofed_spectrum_).mean() elif metric == 'MSE': self.error_ = ((self.power_spectrum - self.fooofed_spectrum_) ** 2).mean() elif metric == 'RMSE': self.error_ = np.sqrt(((self.power_spectrum - self.fooofed_spectrum_) ** 2).mean()) else: msg = "Error metric '{}' not understood or not implemented.".format(metric) raise ValueError(msg) @staticmethod def _prepare_data(freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range, spectra_dim=1, verbose=True): """Prepare input data for adding to current object. Parameters ---------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power_spectrum, in linear space. power_spectrum : 1d or 2d array Power values, which must be input in linear space. 1d vector, or 2d as [n_power_spectra, n_freqs]. freq_range : list of [float, float] Frequency range to restrict power spectrum to. If None, keeps the entire range. spectra_dim : int, optional, default: 1 Dimensionality that the power spectra should have. verbose : bool, optional Whether to be verbose in printing out warnings. Returns ------- freqs : 1d array Frequency values for the power_spectrum, in linear space. power_spectrum : 1d or 2d array Power spectrum values, in log10 scale. 1d vector, or 2d as [n_power_specta, n_freqs]. freq_range : list of [float, float] Minimum and maximum values of the frequency vector. freq_res : float Frequency resolution of the power spectrum. Raises ------ DataError If there is an issue with the data. InconsistentDataError If the input data are inconsistent size. """ # Check that data are the right types if not isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(power_spectrum, np.ndarray): raise DataError("Input data must be numpy arrays.") # Check that data have the right dimensionality if freqs.ndim != 1 or (power_spectrum.ndim != spectra_dim): raise DataError("Inputs are not the right dimensions.") # Check that data sizes are compatible if freqs.shape[-1] != power_spectrum.shape[-1]: raise InconsistentDataError("The input frequencies and power spectra " "are not consistent size.") # Check if power values are complex if np.iscomplexobj(power_spectrum): raise DataError("Input power spectra are complex values. " "FOOOF does not currently support complex inputs.") # Force data to be dtype of float64 # If they end up as float32, or less, scipy curve_fit fails (sometimes implicitly) if freqs.dtype != 'float64': freqs = freqs.astype('float64') if power_spectrum.dtype != 'float64': power_spectrum = power_spectrum.astype('float64') # Check frequency range, trim the power_spectrum range if requested if freq_range: freqs, power_spectrum = trim_spectrum(freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range) # Check if freqs start at 0 and move up one value if so # Aperiodic fit gets an inf if freq of 0 is included, which leads to an error if freqs[0] == 0.0: freqs, power_spectrum = trim_spectrum(freqs, power_spectrum, [freqs[1], freqs.max()]) if verbose: print("\nFOOOF WARNING: Skipping frequency == 0, " "as this causes a problem with fitting.") # Calculate frequency resolution, and actual frequency range of the data freq_range = [freqs.min(), freqs.max()] freq_res = freqs[1] - freqs[0] # Log power values power_spectrum = np.log10(power_spectrum) # Check if there are any infs / nans, and raise an error if so if np.any(np.isinf(power_spectrum)) or np.any(np.isnan(power_spectrum)): raise DataError("The input power spectra data, after logging, contains NaNs or Infs. " "This will cause the fitting to fail. " "One reason this can happen is if inputs are already logged. " "Inputs data should be in linear spacing, not log.") return freqs, power_spectrum, freq_range, freq_res def _add_from_dict(self, data): """Add data to object from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary of data to add to self. """ # Reconstruct object from loaded data for key in data.keys(): setattr(self, key, data[key]) def _check_loaded_results(self, data): """Check if results have been added and check data. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dictionary of data that has been added to the object. """ # If results loaded, check dimensions of peak parameters # This fixes an issue where they end up the wrong shape if they are empty (no peaks) if set(OBJ_DESC['results']).issubset(set(data.keys())): self.peak_params_ = check_array_dim(self.peak_params_) self.gaussian_params_ = check_array_dim(self.gaussian_params_) def _check_loaded_settings(self, data): """Check if settings added, and update the object as needed. Parameters ---------- data : dict A dictionary of data that has been added to the object. """ # If settings not loaded from file, clear from object, so that default # settings, which are potentially wrong for loaded data, aren't kept if not set(OBJ_DESC['settings']).issubset(set(data.keys())): # Reset all public settings to None for setting in OBJ_DESC['settings']: setattr(self, setting, None) # If aperiodic params available, infer whether knee fitting was used, if not np.all(np.isnan(self.aperiodic_params_)): self.aperiodic_mode = infer_ap_func(self.aperiodic_params_) # Reset internal settings so that they are consistent with what was loaded # Note that this will set internal settings to None, if public settings unavailable self._reset_internal_settings() def _regenerate_freqs(self): """Regenerate the frequency vector, given the object metadata.""" self.freqs = gen_freqs(self.freq_range, self.freq_res) def _regenerate_model(self): """Regenerate model fit from parameters.""" self.fooofed_spectrum_, self._peak_fit, self._ap_fit = gen_model( self.freqs, self.aperiodic_params_, self.gaussian_params_, return_components=True)