"""Classes & functions for managing parameters for simulating power spectra."""
import numpy as np
from fooof.core.utils import group_three, check_flat
from fooof.core.info import get_indices
from fooof.core.funcs import infer_ap_func
from fooof.core.errors import InconsistentDataError
from fooof.data import SimParams
def collect_sim_params(aperiodic_params, periodic_params, nlv):
"""Collect simulation parameters into a SimParams object.
aperiodic_params : list of float
Parameters of the aperiodic component of the power spectrum.
periodic_params : list of float or list of list of float
Parameters of the periodic component of the power spectrum.
nlv : float
Noise level of the power spectrum.
Object containing the simulation parameters.
return SimParams(aperiodic_params.copy(),
[docs]def update_sim_ap_params(sim_params, delta, field=None):
"""Update the aperiodic parameter definition in a SimParams object.
sim_params : SimParams
Object storing the current parameter definition.
delta : float or list of float
Value(s) by which to update the parameters.
field : {'offset', 'knee', 'exponent'} or list of string
Field of the aperiodic parameter(s) to update.
new_sim_params : SimParams
Updated object storing the new parameter definition.
If the input parameters and update values are inconsistent.
# Grab the aperiodic parameters that need updating
ap_params = sim_params.aperiodic_params.copy()
# If field isn't specified, check shapes line up and update across parameters
if not field:
if not len(ap_params) == len(delta):
raise InconsistentDataError("The number of items to update and "
"number of new values is inconsistent.")
ap_params = [param + update for param, update in zip(ap_params, delta)]
# If labels are given, update deltas according to their labels
# This loop checks & casts to list, to work for single or multiple passed in values
for cur_field, cur_delta in zip(list([field]) if not isinstance(field, list) else field,
list([delta]) if not isinstance(delta, list) else delta):
data_ind = get_indices(infer_ap_func(ap_params))[cur_field]
ap_params[data_ind] = ap_params[data_ind] + cur_delta
# Replace parameters. Note that this copies a new object, as data objects are immutable
new_sim_params = sim_params._replace(aperiodic_params=ap_params)
return new_sim_params
[docs]class Stepper():
"""Object for stepping across parameter values.
start : float
Start value to iterate from.
stop : float
End value to iterate to.
step : float
Increment of each iteration.
len : int
Length of generator range.
data : iterator
Set of specified parameters to iterate across.
Define a stepper object for center frequency values for an alpha peak:
>>> alpha_cf_steps = Stepper(8, 12.5, 0.5)
[docs] def __init__(self, start, stop, step):
"""Initialize a Stepper object."""
self._check_values(start, stop, step)
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.step = step
self.len = round((stop-start)/step)
self.data = iter(np.arange(start, stop, step))
def __len__(self):
return self.len
def __next__(self):
return round(next(self.data), 4)
def __iter__(self):
return self.data
def _check_values(start, stop, step):
"""Checks if provided values are valid.
start, stop, step : float
Definition of the parameter range to iterate over.
If the given values for defining the iteration range are inconsistent.
if any(ii < 0 for ii in [start, stop, step]):
raise ValueError("Inputs 'start', 'stop', and 'step' should all be positive values.")
if not start < stop:
raise ValueError("Input 'start' should be less than 'stop'.")
if not step < (stop - start):
raise ValueError("Input 'step' is too large given values for 'start' and 'stop'.")
[docs]def param_iter(params):
"""Create a generator to iterate across parameter ranges.
params : list of floats and Stepper
Parameters over which to iterate, including a Stepper object.
The Stepper defines the iterated parameter and its range.
Floats define the other parameters, that will be held constant.
list of floats
Next generated list of parameters.
If the number of Stepper objects given is greater than one.
Iterate across exponent values from 1 to 2, in steps of 0.1:
>>> aps = param_iter([Stepper(1, 2, 0.1), 1])
Iterate over center frequency values from 8 to 12 in increments of 0.25:
>>> peaks = param_iter([Stepper(8, 12, .25), 0.5, 1])
# If input is a list of lists, check each element, and flatten if needed
if isinstance(params[0], list):
params = [item for sublist in params for item in sublist]
# Finds where Stepper object is. If there is more than one, raise an error
iter_ind = 0
num_iters = 0
for cur_ind, param in enumerate(params):
if isinstance(param, Stepper):
num_iters += 1
iter_ind = cur_ind
if num_iters > 1:
raise ValueError("Iteration is only supported across one parameter at a time.")
# Generate and yield next set of parameters
gen = params[iter_ind]
while True:
params[iter_ind] = next(gen)
yield params
except StopIteration:
[docs]def param_sampler(params, probs=None):
"""Create a generator to sample randomly from possible parameters.
params : list of lists or list of float
Possible parameter values.
probs : list of float, optional
Probabilities with which to sample each parameter option.
If None, each parameter option is sampled uniformly.
list of float
A randomly sampled set of parameters.
Sample from aperiodic definitions with high and low exponents, with 50% probability of each:
>>> aps = param_sampler([[1, 1], [2, 1]], probs=[0.5, 0.5])
Sample from peak definitions of alpha or alpha & beta, with 75% change of sampling just alpha:
>>> peaks = param_sampler([[10, 1, 1], [[10, 1, 1], [20, 0.5, 1]]], probs=[0.75, 0.25])
# If input is a list of lists, check each element, and flatten if needed
if isinstance(params[0], list):
params = [check_flat(lst) for lst in params]
# In order to use numpy's choice, with probabilities, choices are made on indices
# This is because the params can be a messy-sized list, that numpy choice does not like
inds = np.array(range(len(params)))
# Check that length of options is same as length of probs, if provided
if np.any(probs):
if len(inds) != len(probs):
raise ValueError("The number of options must match the number of probabilities.")
# While loop allows the generator to be called an arbitrary number of times
while True:
yield params[np.random.choice(inds, p=probs)]
[docs]def param_jitter(params, jitters):
"""Create a generator that adds jitter to parameter definitions.
params : list of lists or list of float
Possible parameter values.
jitters : list of lists or list of float
The scale of the jitter for each parameter.
Must be the same shape and organization as `params`.
list of float
A jittered set of parameters.
- Jitter is added as random samples from a normal (gaussian) distribution.
- The jitter specified corresponds to the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
- For any parameter for which there should be no jitter, set the corresponding value to zero.
Jitter aperiodic definitions, for offset and exponent, each with the same amount of jitter:
>>> aps = param_jitter([1, 1], [0.1, 0.1])
Jitter center frequency of peak definitions, by different amounts for alpha & beta:
>>> peaks = param_jitter([[10, 1, 1], [20, 1, 1]], [[0.1, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]])
# Check if inputs are list of lists, and flatten if so
if isinstance(params[0], list):
params = check_flat(params)
jitters = check_flat(jitters)
# While loop allows the generator to be called an arbitrary number of times
while True:
out_params = [None] * len(params)
for ind, (param, jitter) in enumerate(zip(params, jitters)):
out_params[ind] = param + np.random.normal(0, jitter)
yield out_params