
fooof.fit_fooof_3d(fg, freqs, power_spectra, freq_range=None, n_jobs=1)[source]

Fit FOOOF models across a 3d array of power spectra.


Object to fit with, initialized with desired settings.

freqs1d array

Frequency values for the power spectra, in linear space.

power_spectra3d array

Power values, in linear space, with shape as: [n_conditions, n_power_spectra, n_freqs].

freq_rangelist of [float, float], optional

Desired frequency range to fit. If not provided, fits the entire given range.

n_jobsint, optional, default: 1

Number of jobs to run in parallel. 1 is no parallelization. -1 uses all available cores.

fgslist of FOOOFGroups

Collected FOOOFGroups after fitting across power spectra, length of n_conditions.


Fit a 3d array of power spectra, assuming freqs and spectra are already defined:

>>> from fooof import FOOOFGroup
>>> fg = FOOOFGroup(peak_width_limits=[1, 6], min_peak_height=0.1)
>>> fgs = fit_fooof_3d(fg, freqs, power_spectra, freq_range=[3, 30])  # doctest:+SKIP

Examples using fooof.fit_fooof_3d